Technology Developed
Patent No. (India) 189310 - "Process for the
Recovery of Inorganic Chemicals from Kraft Black
Liquor", P. K. Bhattacharya, S. De & Director, IIT
A patent is obtained for a process for the recovery
of water and inorganic chemicals from Kraft black
liquor (BL) based on membrane separations. In the
conventional process, BL (with 15% total dissolved
solids) is concentrated to 60-65% and then
incinerated. The molten inorganic chemicals are then
causticized to recover around 85% of alkali
chemicals. This process involves a huge loss of
water during the concentration step in multi-effect
evaporators. Also, organics burnt during
incineration cause environmental pollution. Apart
from this, the equipment incurs high capital
investment and energy cost. Small-scale paper
industries, instead of processing BL, prefer to
simply discard it, causing more pollution problems
while losing valuable inorganic chemicals.
A three-step process has been developed where BL is
first carbonated under pressure for the release of
bound alkali from organics and then ultra-filtered
for the removal of bigger molecular weight
compounds. Finally, permeate of the UF process is
subjected to nano-filtration to recover water and
inorganic chemicals. Permeate of the NF is very
clear and rich in inorganic. The complete kinetics
of carbonation and parametric studies on UF and NF
has been studied. The scheme results in the recovery
of around 80% of the inorganic present, which
compares favourably with 85% recovery in the
conventional process. The process developed in his
laboratory, thus, not only recovers water with
alkali chemicals, it is also non-destructive.
Further work, relevant and required for design and
process, may be taken-up upon request.

S. De and P. K. Bhattacharya, “Recovery of water with
inorganic chemicals from Kraft black liquor using
membrane separation processes“, Tappi J., 79,
103-111 (1996).
* C. Bhattacharjee and P. K. Bhattacharya, “Flux decline
analysis in ultrafiltration of Kraft black liquor“,
J. Membrane Sci., 82, 1-14 (1993).
Membrane contactor was utilized to remove dissolved
gases (NH3 + CO2) in water
condensate emanating out of urea-plant using a
membrane contactor having number of hydrophobic
hollow fibres; utilizing both the modes of
operations: liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and
sweep/vacuum (S/V). Both the modes have demonstrated
the feasibility of the removal of gases through
membrane contactor.
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