Advertisement Number: P.Rect./IP/DOAD/2025/05
Date: 25/02/2025
Applications are invited for One position of ‘Project Assistant’ on Consolidated Salary at Health Centre, IIT Kanpur.
Project Assistant (01)
Salary Range: Rs. 10800-900-27000
Essential Qualification:
Candidate should have Graduate (B.Sc/BA/B.Com/BBA/BCA/LLB).
Desirable experience:
Experience at least 2 years in reputed hospital of town and knowledge of Computer proficiency.
Typical duties of the job include:
- To work in rotatory duties with night duty.
- Responding to emergency call.
- Transporting patients to hospital and continuing to provide treatment while in transit.
- Communicating effectively with patients and their relatives/friends.
The post is purely temporary and on contractual basis. The position is initially for one year or till the end of the project, whichever is earlier. The institute reserves the right to fix suitable criteria for short-listing of eligible candidates satisfying qualification and experience. Only short-listed applicants will be called for interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Applicants who do not meet the minimum qualification and work experience will not be called for the interview.
Interested candidates may send their resume giving full details of qualifications, experience with self-attested copies of relevant certificates (educational, experience) in the enclosed format form No. (DOAD-IP-203) to the following address before 19 March 2025.
Postal Address:
Head Health Centre Office of Health Centre Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur - 208 016 (U.P)