Anubha Goel

PhD (University of Maryland)

Professor, Department of Civil Engineering


Research Interest



  • PhD, University of Maryland, 2007
  • M.Tech, IIT Kanpur, India, 2001
  • B.Tech, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, India, 1999



UG Courses Taught

  • ESO 208/218: Computational Methods in Engineering

  • CE341: Communication Skills for Civil Engineers

  • CE211A: Environmental Quality and Pollution

UG Course Submitted for SUGC Approval

  • CE213: Introduction to Environmental Science

PG Courses Taught

  • CE602: Advanced Mathematics for Civil Engineers

  • EEM 613: Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry

  • EEM 602: Physicochemical Principles and Processes

  • EEM 615a: Agriculture Environment and Climate Change (Self proposed)

  • EEM 701: Special Topics in Environmental Engineering

    • Module 1: Risk Assessment

    • Module 2: Solid Waste Management

    • Module 3: Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture

EEM 607a: Solid and Hazardous Waste Management 

  • Kumar, A.; Srivastava, D.; Agrawal, M. and Goel, A. Snapshot of PM Loads Evaluated at Major Road and Railway Intersections in an Urban Locality. Intl. Journal of Env. Pro. 2014, 4, 23-29.

  • Goel, A.; McConnell, L.L.; Torrents, A.; Kuang, Z.; Hapeman, C.J.; Meritt, D.W.; Alexander, S.T.; Scudlark J.K. and Scarborough, R. Environmental factors affecting the levels of Legacy pesticides in airshed of Delmarva and Chesapeake Bays. Env. Tox. Chem. 2010, 29, pp. 1893–1906.

  • Goel, A., McConnell, L.L. and Torrents, A., Determination of temperature dependent vapor pressures of current use pesticides and transformation products. J. Env. Sc. Health Persp, Part B, 42(4), 2007, pp.343–349.

  • Goel, A., McConnell, L.L., Torrents, A., Scudlark, J., and Simonich, S., Spray irrigation of treated municipal wastewater as a potential source of atmospheric PBDEs. Environ. Sci. Technol, 40(7), 2006, pp.2142-2148.

  • Goel, A., McConnell, L.L., and Torrents, A., Wet deposition of current use pesticides at a rural location on the Delmarva Peninsula: Impact of rainfall patterns and agricultural activity. J. Ag. Food Chem,53, 2005, pp.7915-7924.

  • Manish Agarwal

  • Dean's Dissertation Fellowship, University of Maryland (2006)

  • Graduate Fellowship, University of Maryland (2001-2002, 2004-2005)

  • Sandwich-Model Scholarship by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for M.Tech research work in Germany (2000-01)

  • University Merit Scholarship, GB Pant University (1996-97, 97-98, 98-99)

  • SETAC Best Student Platform Presentation, SETAC National Meeting, Baltimore MD (2005)


319 Faculty Building
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016

Office Phone: 0512-259-7027 (O) / +91-7607490015 (Mobile)

Email: anubha[AT]

  • Air Quality, Solid Waste, Environmental

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