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Computation: Wave mechanics and thermal diffusion; Experiments: Characterization
Research Interests
Acoustic metamaterials, thermal nondestructive evaluation, soft robotics, multifunctional materials, instrumentation, computer vision.
ME222A - Nature and properties of materials
ME321A - Advanced mechanics of solids
ME698E - Fabrication and mechanics of thin films (new modular course)
ME621A - Introduction to solid mechanics
ME683A - Techniques in non-destructive evaluation (new course)
ME723A - Wave propagation in solids
For a complete list, see Google Scholar and ORCiD
2010: Project Officer, Centre for Non-Destructive Evaluation, IIT Madras
2010-11: Technical Manager, Engineering Research Centre, TATA Motors
2011-17: Graduate Assistant, ESM Department, Penn State
2017: Visiting Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur
2018-24: Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur
2024: Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur
211, Northern Laboratories I