Faiz Hamid
Fellow (Ph.D.), IIM Lucknow
Email: fhamid[AT]iitk.ac.in
Office Phone: 0512-679-6431
Associate Professor, Department of Management Sciences
Research Interest
Operations Research, Combinatorial Optimization, Network Optimization, Data Science
- Fellow (Ph.D.) - Decision Sciences & Information Systems, IIM Lucknow, 2012
- B.Tech. - Computer Science and Engineering, Institute of Engineering & Management (West Bengal University of Technology), 2007
Operations Research
Data Science
Dalal, J., & Hamid, F. (2024). Benders Decomposition: A Humanitarian Operation with Stochastic Programming Framework. In Optimization Essentials: Theory, Tools, and Applications (pp. 257-277). Springer Nature Singapore.
Hamid, F., & Agarwal, Y. K. (2023). Train stop scheduling problem: An exact approach using valid inequalities and polar duality. European Journal of Operational Research, 313(1), 207-224.
Haque, M. T., & Hamid, F. (2022). Social Distancing and Revenue Management—A Post-pandemic Adaptation for Railways. Omega, 102737
Haque, M. T., & Hamid, F. (2022). An optimization model to assign seats in long distance trains to minimize SARS-CoV-2 diffusion. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 162, 104-120
Deval, G., Hamid, F., & Goel, M. (2021). When to declare the third innings of a test cricket match?. Annals of Operations Research, 303(1), 81-99
Venkataraman, S. V., & Hamid, F. (2020). Incentive mechanism for a sustainable public distribution system. Journal of Modelling in Management, 16(3), 848-860
Hamid, F., & Agarwal, Y. K. (2015). Solving the two‐facility network design problem with 3‐partition facets. Networks, 66(1), 11-32
Assaad, M., Ben-Ameur, W., & Hamid, F. (2014). Resource optimization of non-additive utility functions in localized SC-FDMA systems. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62(18), 4896-4910
Assaad, M., Ben-Ameur, W., & Hamid, F. (2013). An interval assignment problem for resource optimization in LTE networks. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 41, 237-244
Hamid, F., & Agarwal, Y. K. (2012). A Polyhedral Approach for Solving Two Facility Network Design Problem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6701, 92-97
Associate Functional Architect at JDA Software Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, India
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Telecom SudParis, Paris, France
Ph.D. Thesis recognized as runner-up for 2014 Best Dissertation Award by The INFORMS Technical Section in Telecommunications
Best Paper Award at COSMAR 2010 Doctoral Conference organized by Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Professor Dipak C Jain Best Paper Award at IMR Doctoral Conference 2010 organized by Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India
Silver Medal, National Mathematics Olympiad 2002
Hamid, F. (Ed.) (2024). Optimization Essentials: Theory, Tools, and Applications. International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, volume 353. Springer. ISBN: 978-981-99-5490-2
Ghosh, D., Khanra, A., Vanamalla, S. V., Hamid, F., Sengupta, R. N. (Eds.) (2022). Studies in Quantitative Decision Making. Springer. ISBN: 978-981-16-5819-8
Department of Management Sciences Room No. 310, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur 208016
Phone: 0512-679-6431 (O)
Email: fhamid[AT]iitk.ac.in