At undergraduate level:
Space Science and Satellite Technology
Man-made Satellite and its environment
Antenna Engineering
Probability and random Processes
Solid State Devices
Analog/Digital Communication
Network Theory
Linear Control system
At postgraduate level:
Analytical methods in Electromagnetics
Satellite Communication
Advanced Microwave Engineering
Wireless Digital Communication
Space Environment and Space Systems
A. Publications in Journals
Mevada P.; Gupta S.; Chakrabarty S. B.; Mahajan M. B., “Design of Beam Steerable Aperiodic Linear Array Antenna with Improved Peak SLL Using Strip-Projection Method”, in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, doi: 10.1109/TAP.2022.3146865. (2022).
Kumar G.; Mevada P.; Chakrabarty S. B., Mahajan M. B "Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) Cage Dipole Antenna for UHF Band Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) System" published online: 15 March 2022 in International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering
Kumar G.;Ghosh B., Chakrabarty S. B., Mahajan M. B., “Gain and Bandwidth Enhancement Using NZRI – Metasurface”, Published online: 11 Apr 2022 in IETE Journal of Research.
Dey R., Chakrabarty S.B., Mahajan M.B., “A novel twin conjugate matched feed for dual-beam offset reflector antennas” Electromagnetics, Volume 41, Year 2021, Pages 142-153, DOI:10.1080/02726343.2021.1879361
Singh V.K.;Tyagi Y.;Mevada P.;Chakrabarty S.B.;Mahajan M.B., “6-meter beam waveguide antenna for ground based terahertz telescope”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, Volume 100, Year 2021, Pages 35-43 DOI:10.2528/PIERL21052601
Mevada P.; Gupta S.; Chakrabarty S. B.; Mahajan M. B.,”A novel approach for design of beam steerable aperiodic planar array antenna with reduced number of elements”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Published online: 01 Oct 2021.
Pandey B.K., Mevada P., Chakrabarty S.B., Mahajan M.B, “Dual Band Dual Linear Polarized Equal Cross Track Beam Microstrip Antenna for Airborne SAR” IETE Journal of Research, March 2021, DOI:10.1080/03772063.2021.1900751
Gaurav Kumar, Pratik Mevada, Soumyabrata Chakrabarty, Milind B. Mahajan, “Ultra Wide Band (UWB) cage Dipole Antenna for UHF Band Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) System” Under review in International Journal of RF and Microwave, Computer aided Engineering (2021).
B. K. Pandey, S. B. Chakrabarty & Rajeev Jyoti, “Common Aperture Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Planar Microstrip Antenna”, IETE Journal Of Research 2018, VOL. 64, NO. 4, 489–496
Rizwan H. Alad, Haely Shah, Soumyabrata Chakrabarty, and Dhairya Shah, “Effect of Solar Illumination on ESD for Structure Used in Spacecraft”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research , Vol. 55, 25–36, 2017
Rizwan H. Alad and Soumyabrata Chakrabarty, Computation of Capacitance Matrix of Orbiting Space-craft Bodies, IETE Journal of Research, vol. 63 no. 1 pp. 3–10, January 2017.
Yogesh Tyagi, P Mevada, S. Chakrabarty, Rajeev Jyoti, “High efficiency Broadband Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna,” IET, Microwave, Antenna and Propagation, Vo.11,Issue 10,pp. 1401-1408, 2017.
P Mehta and S B Chakrabarty, “A Fast Method for the Computation of the Capacitance of the Geometrically Symmetric Dielectric Coated Metallic Bodies Isolated in the Free Space”, IETE Journal of Education, 2016
Yogesh Tyagi, V K Singh, S. Chakrabarty, Rajeev Jyoti, “Improvement in Side-lobe Performance of Prime Focal Reflector Antenna,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vo. 58, No. 6, June 2016 pp. 1304-1311.
R. Dey, S. B. Chakrabarty, Rajeev Jyoti and Thomas Kurian, "Synthesis and Analysis of Multimode Profile Horn using Mode Matching and Evolutionary Algorithm", IET Microwave Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 10, issue 3, 2016, pp 276-282.
R. Dey, S. B. Chakrabarty, Rajeev Jyoti, "Analysis and Application of Triple Post Discontinuity in Circular Waveguide", Electromagnetics (Taylor and Francis), Vol 36, No. 2, 2016, pp 67-77.
R Dey, S. B. Chakrabarty, Rajeev Jyoti and Thomas Kurian, "Higher Order Mode Analysis of Dual Post Discontinuity in a Circular Waveguide", IETE Journal of Research (Taylor and Francis), Vol 62, issue 1, 2016, pp.55-62.
Rizwan H. Alad and Soumyabrata Chakrabarty, “Electrostatic Analysis of an Artificial Orbiting Satellite for Absolute Charging”, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science., VOL. 43, NO. 9, September 2015, pp 2887-2893
R. Dey, S. B. Chakrabarty, Rajeev Jyoti, " Broadband Conjugate Matched Feed Horn- A Novel Concept", IEEE Antennas and wireless propagation letters, vol 15, 2015 pp496-499.
Rizwan H. Alad and S. B. Chakrabarty, Evaluation of Capacitance Matrix of Artificial Orbiting Satellites, Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 199–204, December 2015.
Devendra Kumar Sharma, Sanjeev Kulshrestha, S.B. Chakrabarty and Rajeev Jyoti, "Shared Aperture Dual Band Dual Polarization(DBDP) Microstrip Patch Antenna", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, USA, Vol 55, No.4, April 2013, pp 917-922 .
Prarthan Mehta and S. B. Chakrabarty, “Evaluation of Capacitance of Dielectric Coated Metallic Parabolic and Spherical Bowls”, Electromagnetics, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2013, pp437-451
Devendra Kumar Sharma, B.K.Pandey, Sanjeev Kulshrestha, S.B. Chakrabarty and Rajeev Jyoti," Design of Wideband Microstrip Antenna Array at L-Band for SAR Applications", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, USA, Vol 55, No.4, April 2013, pp 903-908 .
R Dey, S B Chakrabarty, Rajeev Jyoti, “Analysis of a Coaxial Probe-fed Circular Waveguide” , Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vo. 55, No. 11, November 2013, pp. 2652-2655.
Rizwan. H. Alad and S. B. Chakrabarty, Electrostatic Modelling of Coupled bodies in the shape of a funnel, Electromagnetics, Taylor & Francis Group, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 201-220, March 2013.DOI: 10.1080/02726343.2013.769403.
Rizwan. H. Alad and S. B. Chakrabarty, Capacitance and Surface Charge Distribution Computations for a Satellite Modeled as a Rectangular Cuboid and Two Plates, Journal of Electrostatics, ELSEVIER publications, vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 1005-1010, October 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.elstat.2013.09.006.
PD Mehta, SB Chakrabarty, ‘Electrical capacitance of dielectric coated metallic parallelepiped and closed cylinder isolated in free space’, Journal of Electrostatics, Vol. 71, No 4, 2013, pp 756-762.
Prarthan Mehta and S. B. Chakrabarty,” Method Analysis for Capacitance and Charge Distribution of Dielectric Coated Metallic Disk and Closed Truncated Cone Isolated in Free Space”, International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Network, Devices & Fields, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2012, pp 127-139
PD Mehta, SB Chakrabarty, ‘Moment method analysis of charge distribution & capacitance for the dielectric coated tilted plates isolated in free space, Journal of Electrostatics, Vol 70 No. 3, 2012, pp 241-248.
Dhaval Pujara and S B Chakrabarty, “Cancellation of High Cross-polarization of an Offset Parabolic Reflector Antenna Using a Rectangular Matched Feed”, IETE Journal of Research, vol. 58, issue 4, July-Aug 2012, pp 317-321.
Rizwan. H. Alad and S. B. Chakrabarty, Investigation of Different Basis and Testing Functions in Method of Moments for Electrostatic Problems, Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, vol. 44, pp. 31-52, September 2012. DOI:10.2528/PIERB12070603.
Rizwan H. Alad, S. B. Chakrabarty, Karl E. Lonngren, Electromagnetic Modelling of Metallic Elliptical Plates, Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 468-473, November 2012. DOI:10.4236/jemaa.2012.411065.
Sanjeev Kulshrestha, Deven J. Chheda, S.B. Chakrabarty, Rajeev Jyoti, S.B. Sharma, “Pole discontinuity removal using artificial neural networks for microstrip antenna design” International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 98, No. 12, December 2011, 1711–1720.
Dhaval Pujara1, S. B. Sharma and S. B. Chakrabarty, “Historical and Planned Uses of Antenna Technology for Space-Borne Microwave Radiometers,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 5 3 , No.3, June 2011, pp 95-114.
D. Mehta Prathan, S B Chakrabarty, “Capacitance of Metallic Plates forming a corner” Journal of Applied Science, Published online ISSN 1812-5654/DOI:10.3923/Jas 2011, January 2011.
Prathan D. Mehta, S B Chakrabarty, “Capacitance of Dielectric Coated Metallic Bodies Isolated in Free Space” Electromagnetics (Taylor and Francis), Vol. 31, No. 4 pp. 294–314, 2011.
S. B. Sharma, Dhaval Pujara, S. B. Chakrabarty, Ranajit Dey, and V. K. Singh, “Design and Development of a Conjugate Matched Feed for an Offset Parabolic Reflector Antenna,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, IET Microw. Antennas Propag., vol. 4, pp. 1782–1788, Nov. 2010.
S. B. Chakrabarty, V. K. Singh, S. B. Sharma, “Dual frequency coaxial rotary joint with multi-stepped transition”, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2010, 2(2), 219–224.
S. B. Chakrabarty, V. K. Singh, S. B. Sharma, “TM01 Mode Transducer Using Circular and Rectangular Waveguides”, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering Vol,. 20, issue 3, February 2010, pp 259 – 263.
S. B. Sharma, Dhaval Pujara, and S. B. Chakrabarty, “Design and Development of a Dual-mode Corrugated Horn for an Offset Reflector Antenna,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 52, No.1, pp. 113-116, January 2010.
V. K. Singh, S B Chakrabarty, S B Sharma, “Design of Tri-frequency Mode Transducer”, Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications, Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2009, pp 78-86.
S. B Sharma, V K Singh, Ranajit Dey, S B Chakrabarty, “Analysis of post discontinuity in an oversized circular waveguide”, IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 57, No.8, pp. 1989-1995 August 2009.
S B Chakrabarty, S B Sharma, B N Das, “Higher-order Modes in Circular Eccentric Waveguides”, Electromagnetics (Taylor and Francis), Vol. 29, No.5, May 2009, pp 377-383.
S. B. Sharma, Dhaval Pujara, S. B. Chakrabarty, and V. K. Singh, “Improving the Cross-polar Performance of an Offset Parabolic Reflector Antenna using a Rectangular Matched Feed,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 8, pp. 513-516, 2009.
S. B. Sharma, Dhaval Pujara, S. B. Chakrabarty, and Ranajit Dey, “Cross-Polarization Cancellation in Offset Parabolic Reflector Antenna using a Corrugated Matched Feed,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 8, pp. 861-864, 2009.
S. B. Sharma, Dhaval Pujara, S. B. Chakrabarty, and V. K. Singh, “Removal of Beam Squinting Effects in a Circularly Polarized Offset Reflector Antenna using a Matched Feed,” Progress In Electromagnetic Research Letters, vol. 7, pp. 105-114, 2009.
Dhaval Pujara, S. B. Sharma, and S. B. Chakrabarty, “Improving the Beam Efficiency of an Offset Parabolic Reflector Antenna for Spaceborne Radiometric Applications,” Progress In Electromagnetic Research (PIER-C), vol. 10, pp. 143-150, 2009.
S B Sharma, S C Bera, S B Chakrabarty, “Active Antenna for Improved Efficiency and Reduced Harmonic Radiation,” International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 95, No. 2, February 2008, 85–98
S.B Sharma, S. Kulshrestha, B.K Pandey, D.K Sharma, R. Jyoti, and S.B Chakrabarty “Shaped Beam Printed Antenna with Waveguide Power Divider for Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications”, Microwave and Optical Technological Letters, Vol-49, No.4, pp.835-838, 2007.
B K Pandey, A K Pandey, S B Chakrabarty, S Kulshrestha, A L Solanki and S B Sharma,”Dual Frequency Single Aperture Microstrip Patch Antenna Element for SAR Applications” IETE Technical Review, vol 23, No. 6, Nov-Dec 2006, pp 357-366.
S. B. Sharma, V. K. Singh, S B Chakrabarty “Multi-frequency Waveguide Orthomode Transducer,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT), Vol. 53, No. 8, August 2005, pp. 2604-2609.
S. B. Sharma, V. K. Singh, S B Chakrabarty “Multi-frequency Waveguide Orthomode Transducer,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT), Vol. 53, No. 8, August 2005, pp. 2604-2609.
Anil Kumar Pandey, Kartik Adinarayanan, S.B. Chakrabarty, Arun Kumar & S.B. Sharma," Higher Order Mode Analysis of Circular Coaxial Waveguides Using Finite Difference” Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics, Vol-35, Aug-2005, pp: 285-288
B. N. Das, Arun Gayan, S. B. Chakrabarty, “Analysis of coupling using a transverse slot in the common broadwall between two waveguides” Electromagnetics (UK), vol. 24, No.3, pp. 153-166, April 2004.
S. B. Sharma, V. K. Singh, S. B. Chakrabarty, “Parabolic Dish Antenna With Offset-elliptical Multimode feeds for Space-borne remote sensing applications” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (USA), Vol. 39, No. 2, 2oth October 2003, pp. 138-141.
S B Chakrabarty and S B Sharma, “Wideband Linear Antenna in C-band for beam-pointing for SAR Applications, “ Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, Vol 31, June 2002, pp159-161.
S. B. Chakrabarty, F. Klefenz, A. Dreher, S. B. Sharma and A. Schroth, “Dual Polarised Stacked SSFIP Array Antenna in C-band for Beam Pointing”, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 90, No. 8, August 2003 pp. 533-541
S. B. Sharma, S. B. Chakrabarty, V. K. Singh, ”Moment Method Analysis of a Slot Coupled Circular Waveguide Orthomode Transducer”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (USA), vol. 34, No. 4, August 22, 2002.
S B Chakrabarty, Mohit Khanna, S B Sharma, “Wideband Planar Array Antenna in C-band for Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (USA), Vol. 33, No. 1, April 5, 2002.
S. B. Chakrabarty, S. Das, B. N. Das, “Capacitance of Dielectric Coated Cylinder of Finite Axial Length and Truncated Cone Isolated in Free Space”, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility (USA), vol. 44, No.2, May 2002, pp 394-398.
S. B. Sharma, S. B. Chakrabarty, V. K. Singh, ”Moment Method Analysis of a Slot Coupled Circular Waveguide Orthomode Transducer”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (USA), vol. 34, No. 4, August 2002.
S. B. Sharma, S. B. Chakrabarty, “S-matrix of a slot coupled circular to rectangular waveguide”, International Journal of Electronics, vol. 87, No. 5, May 2000, pp. 591-603
S. B. Sharma, S. B. Chakrabarty, B. N Das, "Analysis of a slot coupled T-junction between circular to rectangular waveguide," IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech., vol. 46, No. 8, pp. 1173-1176, August 1998.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, “Rigorous analysis of the effect of dielectric coating on metallic bodies isolated in free space”, PINSA-A, vol. 64, No.2, 1998, pp. 137-148.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, “Capacitance of Metallic Structures in the form of paraboloidal and spherical reflectors”, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic compatibility, vol. EMC-39, No.4, November 1997, pp 390-393.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, “ Calculation of Electrical Capacitance of a Truncated Cone”, IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic compatibility, vol. EMC-39, No.4, November 1997, pp. 371-374.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty,, “Capacitance and Charge Distribution of Two Cylindrical Conductors of Finite Length”, IEE Proceedings-Science, Measurement and Technology, vol. 144, No.6, November 1997, pp. 280-286.
S. B. Chakrabarty, B.N. Das, S. Das , R. Bhattacharjee, ”Evaluation of characteristic impedance of a twin-wire transmission line insulated by multilayer dielectric" International Journal of Electronics, vol. 83, No. 5, 1997, pp. 615-622.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, “Evaluation of capacitance and charge distribution of cylinder of finite length with top and bottom cover plates”, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, vol.26, April 1997, pp. 112-115.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, S. Das, "Cut-off frequencies of transmission line consisting of parallel cylinders" IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 44, No. 11, November 1996, pp. 2110-2112.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, “Electromagnetic Analysis of eccentric co-axial cylinders of finite length”, Journal of IETE, vol. 42, No. 2, March-April 1996, pp. 63-68.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, Comments on ‘ Capacitance calculation for cable harness using the method of moments”, IEEE Transaction on EMC, vol. 38, No.1, February 1996.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, “ Analysis of a Pair of Dielectric coated Cylinders above a dielectric substrate”, IEE Proceedings, Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 143, No.1, February 1996, pp. 67-72.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, ”Evaluation of cut-off frequencies of Higher-order modes in Eccentric Co-axial line” IEE Proceedings, Microwaves, Antennas, propagation, vol. 142, No. 4. August 1995, pp. 350-356.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, A. K. Mallick, “Electromagnetic Analysis of Transmission Line of parallel cylinders in the Presence of Dielectric Coating”, IEE Proceedings on Science, Measurement and Technology, vol. 142, No. 4, July 1995, pp. 288-292.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, A. K. Mallick, “ Cutoff Frequencies of Guiding structures with Circular and Planar Boundaries” IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, Vol. No. 6, June 1995, pp. 186-188.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, A. K. Mallick, “ Moment Method Analysis of Cylinder and truncated cone used in Orbital Satellite”, Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics, vol. 24, June 1995, pp. 151-157.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, A. K. Mallick ”TEM mode Analysis of parallel cylinders of Unequal Radii using unequal radii”, International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 78, No. 5, May 1995, pp. 975-982.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, K. S. Rama Rao, "Effect of Dielectric support on the inner conductor of eccentric line," IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic compatibility, vol. EMC-37, No.1, February 1995, pp 71-74.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, K. S. Rama Rao, "Capacitance of Transmission Line of Parallel Cylinders in Presence of Dielectric coating", IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic compatibility, vol. EMC-37, No.1, February 1995, pp 94-96.
B. N. Das, S. B. Chakrabarty, “Capacitance of dielectric coated Sphere”, student Journal of IETE, No. 3 and 4, vol. 3. July-December 1993, pp. 173-176.
B. N. Das, K. S. Rama Rao, S. B. Chakrabarty,”Electromagnetic Analysis of Eccentric Coaxial Cylinders”, Journal of IETE, vol. 39, No. 4, July-August 1993, pp 251-254.
B1. Publications in proceedings of seminars/conferences
D K Sharma, S Kulshrestha, S Chakrabarty, M B Mahajan and R Jyoti, “Thinned Array Antenna at L Band”,InCAP2019, 2019.
K Grover, G Kumar, S. Kulshrestha, S Chakrabarty, M b Mahajan, “Miniaturised L5 Band Active Antenna for Navigation Applications”, IMaRC-2019
Y Tyagi, P Mevada, S Chakrabraty, Milind Mahajan, “Broadband Impedance Matching of Narrowband Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna”, InCAP 2018, Hyderabad, India..
D K Sharma, P Mevada, S Kulshrestha, S. Chakrabarty, M. B. Mahajan, R Jyoti, “UHF Band Stacked Patch Antenna for Ultrawideband Applications”, International Conference ATMS, Pune, February 5-7, 2018.
Rajeev Jyoti, Soumyabrata Chakrabarty, Sanjeev Kulshrestha, "Multilayer Printed Active Phased Array Antenna for Radar Imaging Satellite" presented in IEEE International Microwave and RF conference, 15-17 December 2014.
Deven J. Chheda1, Devendra Kumar Sharma, B. K. Pandey, Sanjeev Kulshrestha, S. B. Chakrabarty and Rajeev Jyoti, Capacitive U-strip Loaded Probe Fed Microstrip Antenna at L-band, ATMS India Conference 2012.
V.K. Singh, G. Upadhyaya, S.B.Chakrabarty, Rajeev Jyoti “Design and Development of a Wideband Corrugated Horn at 55 GHz” ICISC-2011 ADIT Vallabh Vidyanagar.
Dhaval Pujara, S. B. Chakrabarty, Ranajit Dey, and S B Sharma, “Design of a Novel Multi-mode Feed Horn for an Offset-Fed Reflector Antenna,” ATMS India Conference, Hyderabad, 2008.
Deven J. Chheda, Ila Agnihotri, Sanjeev Kulshrestha, S. B. Chakrabarty and S. B. Sharma, “Analysis of Parabolic Reflector Antennas with Axial and Lateral Feed Displacements Using Aperture Distribution Method”, ATMS India Conference, Hyderabad, 2008.
Ila Agnihotri, V. K. Singh, S.B. Chakrabarty and S. B. Sharma, “Design of Quasioptical Antenna for Temperature Sounder”, ATMS India Conference, Hyderabad, 2008.
Deven J. Chheda, Ila Agnihotri, Sanjeev Kulshrestha, S. B. Chakrabarty and S. B. Sharma, “Analysis of Microstrip Antennas Using Neural Networks”, Indian Conference on Microwaves, Antenna, Propagation and Remote Sensing (InCMARS-08), 9th-11th December 2008, Jodhpur, Organised by International Centre for Radio Science (ICRS), Jodhpur.
Dhaval Pujara, S. B. Chakrabarty, Ranajit Dey, Ila Agnihotri, and S B Sharma, “Tri-Mode Array fed Multiple-Beam Offset Parabolic Reflector Antenna with Low Cross-Polarization and Improved Sidelobes”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Applications, Jaipur, November 2008.
Dhaval Pujara, S. B. Chakrabarty, Ranajit Dey, and S B Sharma, “Cross –Polar Performance of an Offset Parabolic Reflector Illuminated by a Cluster of Conjugate Matched Feeds”, IEEE International Symposium on Microwaves, Bangalore, December 2008.
Dhaval Pujara, S. B. Chakrabarty, Ranajit Dey, and S B Sharma, “Improving the Polarization Efficiency of an Offset Parabolic Reflector,” Indian Conference on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and Remote Sensing, Jodhpur, December 2008.
Ranajit Dey, S.B Chakrabarty, S.B Sharma, “Radiation characteristics of 35 GHz feed horn for cloud Radar”, InCMARS, Jodhpur, 9-11, December-2008
S.B Sharma, Dhaval Pujara, S.B Chakrabarty and V.K Singh, “Performance Comparison of a matched feed with a potter horn for offset parabolic reflector antenna”, Presented at IEEE-AP International Symposium, SanDiego, July 2008
S.B. Chakrabarty, V. K. Singh, S. Kulshrestha, G. Upadhyay, and S. B. Sharma, “TM01 mode transducer using circular and rectangular waveguides,” in Int. Conf. Microwaves, Antenna Propagation and Remote Sensing, ICRS, Jodhpur, India, Feb. 2008.
V. K. Singh, S.B. Chakrabarty, Anil Solanki, R. Dey, Ila Agnihotri, S. B. Sharma, “Mode Transducers for Ku-band dual-channel microwave rotary joint,” in Int. Conf. Microwaves, Antenna Propagation and Remote Sensing, ICRS, Jodhpur, India, February 2008.
S. B. Chakrabarty, Frank Klefenz, Achim Dreher, “Dual Polarised Wide-band Stacked Microstrip Antenna Aperture-coupling for SAR Applications” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium, July 2000, China
R. M. Makawana, S. Kulshrestha, S. B. Chakrabarty, P. D. Ramavat, R. K. Malviya and S. B. Sharma, “Design and development of high power waveguide rotary joint for scanning scatterometer antenna” , National Symposium in Advances in Microwave and light wave, March 27-28, pp. 99-102, 2000.
K. K. Mallik, S. B. Chakrabarty, “Analysis of thin tubular cylindrical antenna by using sub-domain Galerkin expansions” National Symposium on Advances in Microwaves (NSAM-93), March 1-2, 1993, pp. 55-60
C. Patent/copyright obtained/filed
"Waveguide Transducer Assembly for efficient excitation of circular waveguide", Patent No. 198098, date 30.1.2006.
"A waveguide Rotary Joint", Patent Number 207455, date 13.6.2007.
“Compact multi-mode tracking feed for satellite” – Patent No. 243174, date 28.9.2010
“A Dual channel rotary joint for spaceborne scanning antenna”, Patent No. 248944, date 13/9/2011
“High gain wideband planar microstrip antenna for space borne applications”, Patent No. 251970, Date 18/4/2012.
“A method of providing two squinted beam feeds to a microwave sensor and a composite elliptical feed”, Patent No. 252111, date , 26/08/2013
I have been with the SPASE Department at IIT Kanpur since July 1, 2024 as a Professor of Practice. During the period from July 21-June 2024, I served the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar as visiting professor on deputation from SAC, ISRO, Ahmedabad. Prior to that I served the Antenna Systems Area, Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad as Scientist/Engineer during September 1996 - June, 2021 and was involved in the development of a variety of state-of-the-art antenna systems related to Microwave Remote sensing payloads. I served the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) during 1999-2000 as guest scientist deputed from ISRO where I was involved in the design and development of Antenna system for Air-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar. Before, joining ISRO, I worked in NIT, Silchar (Previously REC) as lecturer in the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering during October 1995-August 1996 and also in Silchar Govt Polytechnic as lecturer in the Department Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, during 1989-91.
I am an amateur violinist, learning from my early age. I got the inspiration to learn Indian classical music on violin from my parents who used to sing raga based bhajan and kirtans. My formal training on violin was initiated by late Debdas Roy Barman, the violinist of Silchar, Assam during 1985-1990. During 1991-1996, I had been under the tutelage of Pandit Rabin Ghosh, internationally renowned violinist and disciple of Baba Allauddin Khan Saheb, the creator of ‘Maihar Gharana’. I also received musical guidance from Prof. Ranjan Ghosh, an accomplished violinist and son of Pandit Rabin Ghosh. During 2002-2008, I learnt from Srimati Pradipta Ganguly, a noted vocalist of Kirana Gharana from Ahmedabad and got the opportunity to nurture gayaki style on violin. Since, 2008-2024, I had been under the tutelage of Late Vidushi Manju Mehta of Saptak School, Ahmedabad of Music who was the senior student of Bharat Ratna Late Pandit Ravi Shankar. At present, I have been continuing my music learning under the mentorship of Dr. Devanand Pathak, a renowned violist of Kanpur. I received the Visarad Degree in first class on violin Hindusthani classical music from Akhil Bharat Gandharva Mahavidyalaya. I participated in various music conferences as a solo player as well as in ensemble for the last 3 decades.

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