Electronic Polymeric & Ceramic
Materials & Processing




Courses with significant overlap with this course:

Semester of last offering:

Date of approval: dd-mmm-yyyy


Course Contents

Atomic structure, semiconductor materials, solar cells, Transistors and Process Sequence of Fabrication, Control of Micro contamination, Micro lithography, Doping, Etching, Oxidation, Chemical Vapor Deposition and Reactor Design, Classification and Electrical, Mechanical Properties of Polymer, Polymer Catalysis and Molecular Chemistry, Flow Behavior and Polymer Processing, Polymer Blends and Composites, Applications of Polymers (Exchange Resin etc.), Ceramic Raw Materials and Characterization, Ceramic Processing Additives, Ceramic Beneficiation Process, Ceramic Forming Processes (Sol gel, Casting etc.),Zeolites, Ceramic Drying, Surface Processing and Shaping. 



Number of sections:

Tutors for each section:

Schedule for Lectures:

Schedule for Tutorial:

Schedule for Labs:



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