M. Tech in BSBE
M. Tech program in BSBE meets a variety of career objectives in research and industry. The program is also supported by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India. The program is for four semesters of which the last two semesters involve hands-on training and research. Midway through the program, students may apply for switch-over to the PhD program of BSBE. The program is designed for students from both biology and non-biology background.
M. Tech in Biomedical Engineering
M. Tech program in Biomedical Engineering has been designed to mentor students to be technically adequate for the rapidly growing global Biomedical industry. The program has been made flexible to allow students from different domains to come together to develop new technologies and solutions for the healthcare ecosystem. The program is for four semesters, of which the first two semesters will have some compulsory and some elective courses essential to bring students from different backgrounds to the same page. The last two semesters involve a product development. Furthermore, the students will experience a clinical immersion and an industrial visit. The program is designed for students from both biology and engineering background.
PhD program in BSBE is intended for students interested in carrying out distinguished scholarly activities. Excellence in research apart, the program envisages comprehensive development of students for leadership in science and engineering in both industry and academia. Therefore, the PhD program involves intense course work covering diverse areas of biology and bioengineering for competence in both in analytical and quantitative skills.