Rahul Sarkar
(PhD, Metallurgical Engineering, The University of Utah, USA)
Assistant Professor, Department of MSE
Email: rsarkar@iitk.ac.in
Office: Faculty Building 403
Phone: +91 512 259 2242
Oxygen Steelmaking, Alternative Ironmaking, Refractory-Metal-Slag Interactions, High Temperature Chemical Processing.
Areas of Interest:
Process Metallurgy, Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering, Process Modelling, Diffusion in Solids.
Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor, Department of MSE, IIT Kanpur (Sept 2021-Present)
- Researcher in Steelmaking and Casting Research group, Tata Steel Research and Development, Jamshedpur, India (July 2013- Aug 2015)
- Research Fellow on Casting Powders, Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG), University of Warwick, UK (Nov 2019-May 2021)
Selected Journal Publications
- Rahul Sarkar and H.Y.Sohn, "Interaction of magnesia-carbon refractory with ferrous oxide under the conditions of the novel flash ironmaking technology (FIT)", Ceramics International, Vol. 46 (2020), pp. 7204-7217.
- Rahul Sarkar and H.Y.Sohn, "Interaction of magnesia-carbon refractory with metallic iron under flash ironmaking conditions", Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 40 (2020), pp. 529-541.
- Rahul Sarkar and H.Y.Sohn, "Interaction of ferrous oxide with alumina refractory under flash ironmaking conditions", Ceramics International, Vol.45 (2019), pp.15417-15428.
- Rahul Sarkar and H.Y.Sohn, "Interaction of iron with alumina refractory under flash ironmaking conditions", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.50 (2019), pp.2063-2076.
- Rahul Sarkar, Ushasi Roy and Dinabandhu Ghosh, "A model for dissolution of lime in steelmaking slags", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.47 (2016), No.4, pp. 2651-2665.
- Rahul Sarkar, Pramod Gupta, Somnath Basu and N.B.Ballal, "Dynamic Modeling of LD converter steelmaking: Reaction modelling using Gibb's free energy minimization", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, Vol.46 (2015), No.2, pp. 961-976.
Conference Proceedings
- Rahul Sarkar and H.Y.Sohn, "A model for the interaction of Fe with MgO-14.5 wt. %C refractory under flash ironmaking conditions", Proceedings of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, USA, Feb 2020.
- Rahul Sarkar and H.Y.Sohn, "A kinetic model for the interaction of FeO with MgO-14.5 wt. %C refractory under the conditions of the novel flash ironmaking technology (FIT)", Proceedings of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, USA, Feb 2020.
- Rahul Sarkar and H.Y.Sohn, "A kinetic model for interaction of iron powder with alumina refractory relevant to the novel Flash Ironmaking Technology (FIT)", Proceedings of Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) Conference, Oregon, USA, Sept 2019.
- Rahul Sarkar and H.Y.Sohn, "A kinetic model for interaction of iron (II) oxide with pure alumina refractory under flash ironmaking conditions", Proceedings of Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) Conference, Oregon, USA, Sept 2019.
- Rahul Sarkar , Pramod Gupta and N.B.Ballal, "Refining of metal droplet in slag using the concept of Gibbs' free energy Minimization at the Slag-Metal Interface", Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology of Ironmaking and Steelmaking (STIS), Jamshedpur India, December 2013.
- Student Travel Grant awarded by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) for attending Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) Conference held in Oregon, USA, 2019 (1 out of 5 recipients from over 500 applicants)
- MHRD Scholarship for GATE scholars, 2011