The NCG was initially conceived on account of limited education in Geodesy at the national level. Although courses on Surveying and Mapping, Geoinformatics, Remote Sensing/ GIS, etc. are being taught at a few universities, none delve into the fundamentals and advanced concepts in Geodesy. Further, national expertise in areas such as Geodesy and SAR interferometry, is rather limited. Thus, there is a need for the development and training of human resources in the aligned areas.
To act as the hub of excellence in teaching and research in Geodesy at the national and international level by way of preparing well-trained human resources at post-graduate level, quality publications in reputed journals and through collaborative research with international institutes/institutions to contribute in the infrastructure development of the country.

The proposed structure of NCG with IIT Kanpur as the central hub and other institutes as local centers.
Supported by the Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, the primary objective of the NCG is to nucleate and strengthen activities in the area of Geodesy education, capacity building and academic research and development by:
Organizing outreach activities: capacity building in Geodesy through regular short and long term training programs; preparing well-trained PG students, development of courses and reference material, and disseminating relevant information in Geodesy.
Conducting state-of-the-art research and development activities (academic research, sponsored/consulting) in Geodesy.
Acting as the National Resource Centre for extensive support (laboratory, equipment, training, library, SW, etc.) to students and researchers from various universities and institutions and advise state/central government departments on all issues related to Geodesy.
Train about 80-100 trainees in the first five years with the state-of-the-art education and training in Geodesy.
Organize short, long term and specialized courses on identified topics.
Develop the state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, library, other academic resources, SW, accessible to all researchers.
Facilitate arrangement of visiting/adjunct faculty for/from National and International institutions.
Prepare course material, monographs and develop online courses through NPTEL, MOOCS for spreading awareness and standardization of coursework in Geodesy.
Facilitate opportunity to Indian researchers / students / teachers for training in the best international universities in Geodesy.
Facilitate close Industry-academia collaboration in Geodesy.
Take up academic R&D activities in Geodesy and advise the state/central government on Geodesy related matters as and when required.